Even though its early, I saw a friend make a list and thought it was a good idea. I'm thankful for so many things, all year, not just at thanksgiving. Here is a short list, many more but these are the ones off the top of my head.

1. Family - I think you are only RELATIVES because of blood relation, but you are FAMILY by how you treat each other and how much you love each other.

2. Healthy children - So so grateful for this. Overall, they are healthy. We have friends who have lost a child and I think that has to be the worst thing.

3. My loving husband. I couldnt list why, it would take the rest of my life to list all the wonderful things about him

4. Creativity - I'm thankful that I am somewhat creative! Sure, there are many others who are more creative, but I enjoy what creativity I have.

5. My dog - he's a rescue and I'm so glad he became part of our family. He's a great dog and is well deserving of our loving home

So what are you thankful for?

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