Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sketches - Organized

I've had this a long time, but finally finished it while Eric was watching a movie in my room. I put all my sketches on rolodex cards that I cut with my cricut and decorated this holder that I found at a thrift store. It's nice and big and holds 100's of sketches (and is almost full!)


  1. Hi Danielle xx This is beautful xx Just wanted to say that I hope your little one is doing better. xxx Not had a chance to send you an e-mail hun, but wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you xxxxx Hugs Tina xx

  2. Dani, ditto what Tb said above. Your rolodex is a fab idea. Hope you get Eric better and then you can go to town with all those sketches.

  3. Thank you ladies! He is on a new medicine and so far 3 days with not being sick, so I am hoping this is it and he can go back to being a normal child again!! and me a not so worried mom :)
